From the general observation of a person’s complexion, texture and tone, one can diagnose a patient and determine different syndromes or maladies. An experienced practitioner can see which internal body part is weak or deficient, as well as the probable causes. These symptoms generally reveal themselves on the surface in the form of dark spots, pimples, rashes or other symptoms like swollen or inflamed parts of the body. Generally, facial acupuncture can help improve a person’s skin aesthetically, while at the same time treat a patient’s health overall.
For example, while a yellowish complexion might indicate issues with the spleen-stomach system, a greenish complexion may be due to issues with the liver. A dark complexion indicates poor circulation and weak kidney system, while a white complexion indicates a blood and lung deficiency. Because Chinese Medicine allows us to read the body via observation and palpation, if the complexion of the face is not beautiful and glowing, it means the interior of the body is in the same condition.
Dehydration and lack of sleep are examples of issues that are fairly easy to address without needles. However, a lack of balance in the internal organs and meridians traversing through the face may require acupuncture in order to restore beauty and glow.
Exercise is vitally important, yet diet can help immensely as well, especially one rich in greens to detox the liver and lymphatic system. The face is unique in that it is the nexus of 8 major meridian pathways of the human body, including the stomach, large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, and urinary bladder. All of these organs link directly to the face and indirectly to the meridian system. Therefore, all the meridians and their respective channel points are closely related to their specific pathways along the surface of the skin.
Dehydration and lack of sleep are examples of issues that are fairly easy to address without needles. However, a lack of balance in the internal organs and meridians traversing through the face may require acupuncture in order to restore beauty and glow.
Exercise is vitally important, yet diet can help immensely as well, especially one rich in greens to detox the liver and lymphatic system. The face is unique in that it is the nexus of 8 major meridian pathways of the human body, including the stomach, large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, and urinary bladder. All of these organs link directly to the face and indirectly to the meridian system. Therefore, all the meridians and their respective channel points are closely related to their specific pathways along the surface of the skin.
Great circulation is key to healthy complexion.
Tai chi, yoga, Qi Gong, Sotai and other forms of exercise are vital. Here is an example where facial rejuvenation can be really effective: If you have blood stagnation in your body, it will show in the face as a dark complexion, blemishes, discolorations of various forms, dark circles under the eyes etc.
You will surely also have some somatic symptoms that will confirm the blood stagnation pattern. Acupuncturists can usually confirm these signs by abdominal palpation as well as specific point palpation. The Blood stagnation (poor circulation) can be alleviated via Acupuncture and Acupressure, and a more favorable complexion will return.
There are many products on the market that treat these problems externally on the skin; however, the true approach should be to combine those with improving the circulation of Qi and blood with Acupuncture.
You will surely also have some somatic symptoms that will confirm the blood stagnation pattern. Acupuncturists can usually confirm these signs by abdominal palpation as well as specific point palpation. The Blood stagnation (poor circulation) can be alleviated via Acupuncture and Acupressure, and a more favorable complexion will return.
There are many products on the market that treat these problems externally on the skin; however, the true approach should be to combine those with improving the circulation of Qi and blood with Acupuncture.