Japanese Acupuncture is based in the same ancient science and philosophy as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. However, this method uses thinner needles and a more superficial and gentle insertion method than The Chinese Acupuncture. The needles are shallowly inserted in areas, previously carefully chosen by palpation; where the circulation of energy and blood needs to be improved. Once the energy and blood circulates smoothly, the body begins to health itself. Just how it knows how to seal the wound, it knows how to heal an illness.
In a Modern Medicine Perspective:
Acupuncture promotes a Biochemical Defense Mechanism. Meaning the insertion of the needle is considered by the body to be a stimulus site, affecting a chemical release needed for cellular and tissue repair as well as an electromagnetic response that allows a neurologic reaction to take place. The result of the effects of acupuncture on the body is a phenomenon that can be seen on an MRI and in PET scans.
Acupuncture promotes a Biochemical Defense Mechanism. Meaning the insertion of the needle is considered by the body to be a stimulus site, affecting a chemical release needed for cellular and tissue repair as well as an electromagnetic response that allows a neurologic reaction to take place. The result of the effects of acupuncture on the body is a phenomenon that can be seen on an MRI and in PET scans.
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Visit Evidence Based Acupuncture for up to date research and reviews.