We are incorporating into our Practice the Dr. Jerry Tennant technology in our practice.
Biomodulator Pro can measure and correct voltages in acupuncture meridians and bio terminals with exact frequency running via our meridian system unique to each individual meridian.
Bio transducer technology is based on delivering scalar wave, providing opportunity for an accelerated healing.
Please watch video by Dr. Jerry Tennant explaining the premises of his discovery that lead to building the devices.
Coming soon: examples/case study with using biomodulator and bio transducer in acupuncture.
Here is a link if you would like to purchase your own system, highly recommended if you are a chronic illness sufferer.
Dr. Tennant team is available full time to train you to use the equipment.
Here is a link to Biomodulator and Bio-transducer; if you would like to purchase your own gear.
I can also help you with by sharing my experience how to use it to balance the meridians.